Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More planking...

First layer of the port side longitudinal planking is on and  the starboard side is being worked on presently.  Once all the glue has cured the surface will be lightly sanded in preparation for the diagonal layers, which are Spanish cedar. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Planking Commences!

The smell of freshly milled white cedar planking rules the shop at 22 Burnside Street as the first layer of planking receives final fitting.  The H-20 is really taking shape now!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

More parts!

With every new part , we become more appreciative of the simplicity and beauty of NGHs model.  Below the stem and sheer clamps begin to take shape.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The H-20 takes shape

Progress on the first H-20 is progressing smoothly.  With the molds complete and the first set of laminated frames set up on the jig the stunning lines of Capt. Nats' 1929 model #204 can truly be admired.  Capt. Nat was only 80 years old when he carved model #204.  That makes the H-20 model a culmination of about 69.5 years of designing and building boats.